How does space become a home?​
How does space become a home?​
Vertical elements are visible to us at any time without notice. These have become an integral part of our everyday environment, until we stop seeing them.
They are now exposed, standing upright, not all vertical anymore, but with an angular deviation of 90 degrees.
This project shows that the deviation, which is different, does not affect the essence:
The avenue is an avenue
The page is a page
So are we
Sketch, 2017
6 months in Italy. Documenting my journey
Allenby street, Tel Aviv
Allenby story
200*90 cm
Public Transport
Commerce and Culture
Street Renovation
Allenby borders
250*90 cm
Public Transport
Commerce and Culture
Conservation buildings
Public areas
Sea routs
110*90 cm
Pastels, indigo
Five different people, five different routes
The routine of a person who lives and works on Allenby Street
The widest area in Allenby street belongs to the public and connects to the sea.
Jerusalem beach connects to Allenby street